Testing article with 2 authors
Cela ne fait aucun doute: la climatologie peut être complexe. Mais cette complexité est parfois utilisée pour propager de fausses…
Cela ne fait aucun doute: la climatologie peut être complexe. Mais cette complexité est parfois utilisée pour propager de fausses…
Thiessen repeated a large number of Lomborg’s claims in his article without fact-checking or verifying these claims by consulting with scientists who actually have expertise on these topics. Unlike scientists, Lomborg writes books and social media posts about a variety of topics, but he does not submit scientific research on these topics to peer-reviewed journals. If Thiessen lacks the scientific knowledge to challenge Lomborg’s claims, he could have done what professional journalists do: reach out to experts to gain insight from them.
Science Feedback is very pleased to be awarded a development grant from the Poynter Institute’s International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). This grant aims to further…
As the novel coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world, so does false or misleading information about the pandemic online.…
In April 2019, Science Feedback started working with Facebook as part of their fact-checking program. While misinformation currently floods the…
“This document could be used in the classroom to teach students about deliberate misinformation and how to identify it.”